Diseases of an endocrine system

Endocrine system- hormonal system can be knocked down for different reasons. One of them is hereditary predisposition. In this case, children have the very same deviations, as their parents. Hormonal organs may begin to function later. For example the substances of adrenal glands are absent at dwarfs. People are forced to take in hormones from the early childhood to give an organism a possibility to develop normally.

There is a number of external and internal factors, which influence on a hormonal system: violation of blood circulation, bad food, loosed sexual hormones. All this can cause a disorder of an endocrine system.

The thyroid gland is an important part of an endocrine system. A thyroid gland function can sometimes get infringed because of lymphatic knots located inside it. This may be caused by a usual cold, but the treatment of it has to meet the requirements of the treatment of a hormonal disorder. The treatment of diseases of an endocrine system takes a very long time, but it usually gets over sharply and the disease is not coming back no more. It is possible to force the hormonal system to work normally using special teas and diets. 


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